Neat! You got a gd pose, too. I liked the digital one that had sharper color the best. The lightning was a nice touch to the last one, but I couldn't make out the rain.
if you save it and enlargen it you will but I should have made it more visible. heh thanks for the compliment seeing as I don't draw very often so if you thot it was good all I can say is "it's only Jesus" cus I don't practice it very much!
Neat! You got a gd pose, too. I liked the digital one that had sharper color the best. The lightning was a nice touch to the last one, but I couldn't make out the rain.
if you save it and enlargen it you will but I should have made it more visible. heh thanks for the compliment seeing as I don't draw very often so if you thot it was good all I can say is "it's only Jesus" cus I don't practice it very much!
thats so awesome!!!
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